In 2023, companies of all sizes face dynamic market conditions and find themselves pressed to increase productivity, improve decision-making, and simplify the management of complex business processes.
The solution? For a growing number of businesses, ERP software are providing a comprehensive option for streaming operations and leveraging efficiency.
The North American market for ERP Software is projected to surpass revenue of $63 Million by 2031, according to Astute Analytica. Considering adding an ERP to your company’s toolbelt? Check out our expert-backed guidance on selecting and implementing the right software for your needs.
In 2012 20% of ERP software sales were cloud-based. In 2014 it was projected this number would increase to a minimum of 39% by 2018. [1] Today we are facing the reality that cloud-based ERP deployments are not going anywhere. As the wave of first movers implementing cloud-based ERP solutions winds down, larger companies in the Bay Area have now begun to embrace the future of ERP as vendors begin phasing out their legacy service offerings. Well-known ERP vendors continue to roll-out and promote flagship cloud-based products such as SAP S4HANA, Oracle Cloud, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and Infor Cloud. As a result, we have begun to see a shift in demand for consultants skilled in traditional legacy ERP system deployments to those with technical, strategic expertise pertaining to cloud-based systems.
Until now many companies have utilized on-premise ERP’s for a variety of reasons. Many large ERP’s had yet to develop comparable cloud-based ERP solutions, and as a result the risk of migrating their ERP’s to new cloud-based solutions and vendors presented too many unknown variables. Therefore, the risk outweighed any potential benefit. ERP migrations are also expensive and introduce disruption making it painful for employees who oppose change.
Despite their immaturity, cloud-based solutions have begun to gain momentum as a result of their growing track record of success. They require a lower TCO, are easily scalable to grow with your business, are compliant with modern security standards such as PCIDSS, and are just as secure (if not more secure) than legacy systems. There are no upfront hardware costs, no on-site server space required, employees aren’t needed to maintain them, and no extensive on-site disaster recovery plans to worry about. These are now the responsibility of the vendor.
If you work in technology or have participated in assisting with ERP system implementations or migrations in the past, you know that identifying an ERP software solution which caters to your organization’s specific needs is no simple task. Decision makers are not only faced with evaluating the total cost of ownership (TCO) and return on investment (ROI), they also are responsible for weighing the advantages and disadvantages pertaining to flexibility, usability, and security for each potential solution. This is a huge effort which consumes large amounts of time and resources within your organization. Here are three ways you can effectively leverage consultants to augment your team’s efforts and gain valuable insight each step of the way.
If you are interested in learning more regarding our services or a cloud-based implementations specialist, contact a member of our DeWinter Technology team! To learn more, visit us online at